Anna Kraczyna

Anna is the founder of New Generative Lab, as well as a university lecturer, and a widely praised author and translator. She was born and raised in Florence, Italy by American parents who are internationally-known artist. She has double nationality, is bilingual in Italian and English, and she is also fluent in French. Graduated in Italian Literature from the University of Florence, Anna has worked with mentally and physically disabled children, as a fashion model, and as a translator and simultaneous interpreter. As an author Anna has written for The New York Times and has published with Penguin Classics. She lectures at American University and College campuses in Florence (she has taught at Sarah Lawrence and Stanford) on Italian language and culture, and on personal and professional development. As a coach and trainer, Anna has studied and worked with Robert Dilts and Mickey Feher. She is an NLP practitioner, she was part of the first Mindset Maps International coach faculty ever, and is the co-founder of MindsetMaps Italy. Anna is currently working on a project with Peter Docker. 

Why did Anna start New Generative Lab?

– Anna has always felt the need to contribute to a better world.
– Since she was a child, she has been passionate about helping others.
– Today she has almost 20 years of experience in personal and professional development.
– Anna strongly believes that…
  > everyone can develop and thrive on their potential better-self
 > just about any experience offers an opportunity of growth
  > sometimes a simple adjustment in perspective, or a small change in self projection can change the way you live your life
Anna wrote about the true messages of The Adventures of Pinocchio, which are also explained in her annotated translation, in an article for The New York Times.
Anna has published an annotated translation of the #1 most translated non-religious book in the world: The Adventures of Pinocchio. Her book was published by the highly prestigious Penguin Classics making it a must read.

Press Coverage of Anna's Annotated Translation for Penguin Classics

Find several articles covering Anna’s annotated translation of The Adventures of Pinocchio. 

Connection Between Pinocchio & NGL

The Adventures of Pinocchio, which is no way a cautionary tale against lying, is a book rich in subtle allusions and artful devices—an immense source of powerful metaphors that help analyze and understand matters that are at the root of our lives, like the meaning of parenthood, that of childhood, the path leading to true humanity, integration, the question of conforming, the importance of making mistakes—and many more. Like all tales that were not written for kids only, The Adventures of Pinocchio offers a wealth of points for reflection and analysis that are essential to personal development.
Anna conducts a very successful one-day workshop in which she analyses the main metaphors in The Adventures of Pinocchio, highlights and analyses points of reflection, and leads to the development of awareness and self-reflection around the themes.

Fun fact: Anna used to be a model

While studying at University, Anna had a career as an international fashion model (appearing in magazines such as Marie Claire and Vogue) which took her to London, Milan, Paris and New York.

Takeaways from Modeling

 – change your perspective: rejection is not about who you are but rather about what other people are looking for                       
 – be true to your values: you always have a choice, you can chose to adapt your work to your core beliefs instead of letting work change you 

An Interview with Anna Kraczyna

An In-Depth Look at the Founder of New Generative Lab
Interview by
Kaelani Ramirez

Can you give me some examples of how you have been able to help your clients reach their goals?

AK: I was coaching a prominent cartoonist who was struggling to find the time and the mental space he needed to develop an idea he had for a movie. After two coaching sessions he started to find the time, the ease and the confidence to work on his project and was able to develop it to the point that now a leading movie producer is making his film. He has told me repeatedly that it was thanks to the help I gave him as a coach that he was able to start using his inner resources.

Another important success, in a very different field, has to do with two companies here in Italy that had intended to merge but ran into difficulties, and were ready to break off the negotiations. We did some coaching sessions with them and the merger went ahead — it was a big deal. A large amount of money was at stake. I was specifically told that it was thanks to the coaching of New Generative Lab that the deal was rescued.

If you had to pick one goal that you want to achieve from having this company, what would it be?

AK: Helping people has always been a part of who I am. I used to work with physically and mentally disabled children. In school, I was the person my schoolmates who needed help would come to. So I find it amazingly rewarding that today I run a company that makes a difference to people’s lives. I believe that people absolutely need to be happy in their professional as well as their personal lives, and to be a part of making that possible is a pretty fantastic achievement.
